I feel really bad for not being there for Yati when she turned 23. It wasn't my plan, I swear! Boyfriend had last minute plan and I just can't let it pass.. I mean, we can always go JB to eat at Singgah Selalu but when's gonna be the next time where me, him, Ty and his sister&hubby will be hanging out together right? So i chose to spend the night with him instead. Sorry!
We all went to HRC for Kumar's night! The second time for me and him. Kumar never fails to crack us up. Seriously! With his extreme racist jokes. Super hilarious lah!! You guys should really go and watch. The songs playing between takes makes me wanna go club sia! Planning to go with boyfriend maybe this weekend? Kecian die nanti pergi weekdays tak cukop tido nanti budak tu. So Saturday party, Sunday can rest. *kening naik naik*
So my Acer laptop will finally be sent for repairing tomorrow! Thanks to love. He's sending me to Acer building at JE tomorrow. After that I have to go down St James to give back my uniforms and stuff before getting my pay 7 days later. Mcm cb kan? Menyusahkn aku betol lah. And he has to go back to camp.
He'll be going to KL this 13th Oct till 17th. Might be joining him if there's nothing in my way. Hopefully I can go. I secretly wants to go actually. Huahuahua. Will be our first trip overseas together. Don't care if its only KL! And guys, I haven't been to KL in my whole life OK!! So really hoping that I can go.
Ok goodnight!
Monday, September 27, 2010
On the Eve of my birthday, he asked me out at night. He fetch me around 8 and I've no idea where we're heading to actually but he did told me he's meeting some friends at D'Marquee at Pasir Ris Downtown East but before that we're gonna have dinner at Bedok. I've been wanting to eat steak for quite sometime and so he brought me to this place call ' J's Wok and Grill '. Never heard of it before but they have quite a alot of selections just for steak. We both ordered steak but different kind. The day before I was having very very bad diarrhea and vomitting and my stomach was just getting better. Luckily I did finished up my food. My first meal on that day eh. So after that, we went to Pasir Ris to meet his 'friends'. To cut to story short, we waited for 1 and a halfhour before meeting his 'friends'. It turned out that they booked a chalet at Pasir Ris chalet for me! All my good friends were there. And his 'friends' turned out to be my friends. Pakat2 lah gitu.
Too bad my stomach was recovering if not, confirm2 aku minom banyak. I didn't drink alot cos worried that my stomach couldn't handle it. A few got drunk. As usual. Hahaha. Overall I had fun. Its so sweet that my friends and him booked a chalet for me.Thank you friends and love.
And I'm happy that he and my friends get along well. I know he will lah. Die dgn sume orang die boleh. Unlike me. I take quite a long time to mix around with his friends. Until now, some of his close friends I don't even talk with. Gua tengok orang ar. As usual, all pics is up on FB.
He drew this for me. Aww so sweet righhtttt?? I love it. Beats any expensive gift anytime.
I dyed my hair blue black. No more minah! Asyik kene kacau jek minah, minah.
The girl who arranged everything. Love you Yaya Belo.
All that was present.
Tonight will be Yati's birthday. And we all have no idea what to do. Da broke babe!! But if there's a will, there's a way.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
So last Monday was our 3 years and 2 months Monthsarry. Sentosa was our choice of place to so called 'celebrate' lah eh.
The weather looks welcoming when we met but by the time we reached Sentosa, it was beginning to be dark. How nice. And drops of water started to come down by the time we reached Sentosa. Terpakse lah kite dudok kat luar toilet skejap mkn mutton chop and mee goreng sbelom ke tempat destinasi. It was still drizzling when we chose a place to lie down. But overall we had fun. As usual of cos. Never a time we had awful time together UNLESS we are in a fight lah. Like duh. Hahaha. Ok pictures. Those who are in my FB should have seen the pictures long time ago. So da takde excitement. But sorry, I'm not putting all the pictures, only some jek.
A'ar matair aku memang giler.
I like this photo too. Hee.
One of my favourite pictures on that day.
The rest is in my FB. I feel lucky to find a guy who I can totally be myself with. It's like his my friend and a lover. Even though sometimes we can be so rough with each other and sometimes I feel so geram with him macam nak gigit2 jek. He accepts me for who I am. Slengeh, belo and everything else. Well its good that we both accepts each other for the way we are. But no matter how 'perfect' things can be, our personalities does clash once in a while and it's good that he is quite more understanding now. He understands why I sometimes act like a pyscho. Hahaha.
He can be a total jackass and irritating burger but I thank god for letting us be together.
And my birthday? Most probably the sweetest birthday so far. With all my wonderful friends and with him by my side. I couldn't ask for more. :) Will blog about that soon.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
In about 9 hours time, I'll be turning a year older. 22 to be exact. Now I can't say my age is sweet 21 when people asked me what's my age. :(
22 eh.. That's old man. It just feels like just yesterday I turned 18. Damn, I'm getting old. I've had my share of fun. I should be mellowing down already when it comes to clubbing. I'm not saying I will stop but going to clubs every week shall not be in my list to do anymore. Maybe once in a while should be ok.
I may not achieved everything that I wanted by now. I'm still looking for the right job. Being ever so fickle minded. -___- I guess that's the only thing that isn't complete. In love wise, I think I may have found the right guy for me. We may not be perfect but alhamdullilah, everything is going fine for now. I'm quite lucky to be with him. He's my first true love and even after 3 years, we are still deeply inlove. He's my bestfriend and my lover. I love you Faizrul for accepting me the way I am. He accepted my ugliest flaws and I believe he deserves my best. Vice versa.
In friends, having a few good friends is better then having loads of friends who are fake. You know you can count on them no matter what. So having many friends isnt as important as I thought. The lesser your friends are, the lesser the dramas. And you might never know who are the ones who are actually playing the two face bitch. Just keep the good ones is enough.
And damn!! I still don't know what's the plan for my birthday. -_____-zzZZZ
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Hey all.
I tried to update from my Iphone yesterday but something was wrong. Had so many things to blog about. Personally about me.
I've been having bad temper nowadays. These past few days I can't even stand myself. I wonder how he stand me. Like what he said, I'm too paranoid. That, I won't deny. But if I were him, I would really hate me right now. Seriously. But I just need to let it out. Even though it's tiring and hurtful to keep fighting with each other, I don't care. But the weird thing is, we're ok when we're together. Whenever we're apart, we keep on fighting. And nothing's new. I'm the firestarter like always.
I don't know when this is gonna stop. I don't wanna be living a life with full of paranoia. It's tiring and definitely not fun at all. I need to learn how to chill down. But how?? Stop caring? Stop wanting to know what's up in his life?
Someone tell me. It's like living with someone which is full or uncertainty. Like there's no guarantee that everything will be ok. But of cos, i truly love him with all my heart, I swear. I just want the best for him. I don't want him to get into trouble anymore. I care too much, it hurts you know?!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
I HATE PMS. THEY MAKES ME FEEL LIKE SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Feels like updating my blog before I go to sleep.
Finished work at 3am just now. Thanks to my darling bf for fetching me from work or else I have to wait for the 5am transport. Next week will be my last week before I officially berambus dari situ. And I havent find a job yet. Feels like taking a week break before I start finding one. Kinda tired from working there. My body system terbalik already. And its draining me out. Especially during Raya. I even skipped visiting my Grandad's house in JB today cos I can barely open my eyes. Eve of Raya I slept at 6am,waking up at 11. Raya itself I have to work. Went straight to work from visiting OK. Then I reached home around 6am. Mum woke me up at 11am. I was dead tired by then. Like seriously. Feel real bad though. :( Sorry tok.
Sometimes I hate myself for being to sensitive or paranoid. And over dramatic. I always follow my feelings. Especially when im angry. I do regret what I say sometimes. Sometimes I dont because I know i'm right. But the need to prove that i'm right usually makes things worst. But so far, we didnt quarell for long. Like one full day or something. Like just now. We were quarelling about something at 830pm gtu. I was really mad lor. Mcm nk maki jek. But by 1 hr later we were like 'i miss u, i love u'.
Quarells are healthy lah though. It means we still care. If I dont care, i wont even bother. I mean for what right sakit kn hati sendiri?
Okla guys. Goodnight. Me wanna sleep. Might skip work later.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Test test. My first time updating my blogger from Iphone.
How are you guys?? Besok Raya! Oh btw I'm at work right now. Finishing at 6am.
So how's everything between me and bf? We are doing great! We are still deeply inlove with each other. Infact, it feels like as if we just met. Behaving like a couple who just got together. I'm so loving it! Yeah we had a few misunderstandings but everything's good now.
He finally met my friends yesterday. I was really so happy to let them meet him finally. I hope he had a good time yesterday. Can't wait for our jalan raya!!
Aite guys. I update more soon if I have the time.
Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir Batin kawan2!!
Monday, September 6, 2010
I think I have some pet peeves that I would like to tell.
I don't know why I just can't stand msgs who don't have any FULLSTOP at the end of every sentence. Especially the last sentence. Makes me feel like the person can't be bothered to entertain you. Especially if its like one short sentence. SERIOUSLY MAN. It is so fucking hard to press that fucking FULLSTOP?! My god.
Maybe it's just me. And sometimes I do that too if the person do that to me. Macam nak kasi die rase yang aku nie malas nk layan.
Ok whatever.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Good Morning Everyone!!
I sound so chirpy eh? (padahal mate aku mcm nak koyak nie skrng) It's 10am right now and I haven't had any sleep from the moment I reached from work just now. Trying so hard to keep myself awake. Anything for my baby man.
I'll be fetching him together with his family at his camp later. My heart is beating so fast as I'm typing this. I can already feel the butterflies in my stomach! I am super glad that everything is over. I am SO SO HAPPY that he's back.
14 months of seperation is FINALLY OVER BEBEH.
I hope everything will be back to normal and our relationship will be stronger then ever. Insyallah. Nothing is impossible if you put your mind to it.